Wednesday, January 15, 2014

New Beginnings.

Happy New Year!  I am so excited for 2014.  My one goal was to make this year the best year I've ever had.  It is a broad goal, but I am trying to focus in on happiness.  I have decided that every day this year I will be devoted to what makes me happy.  Each decision that is made will be based on whether or not it is something I want.  I know that exercise and eating well make me happy-so I will strive to train for races and watch what I eat.  But I also know that I love chocolate, and Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches late at night with almond milk-so I am not going to deprive myself of enjoying those things every now and then!  My spirituality is very important to me, and I will make sure to take time to read the words of Christ and ponder each day.

This is a picture of my little guy, Beckham.  He turned 3 months old on the 12th.  He has become the joy in our family, and I am loving every new moment we experience together.  I am proud to be called his mommy and to have the role of teaching him.

This year there are so many new opportunities for my art to excel, and I couldn't be more excited to share them with you all!  Please feel free to contact me at any time...I am an open book.  This is going to be a lovely 12 months.  Full of hard work, sweat and tears!  New trials, new friends, and new adventures.  I'm inviting you to take this journey with me, and I'll make sure to post often!  Until then...  

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